
there is one movie talking about the pros and cons of dating a guy who is much younger than you.

i dont need to really date a guy that i've noticed that after one trip with one who is 'really' younger than me.

more than 10-year gap,it's really really a gap.

especially you've dated with some guys who are very responsible, good at taking care of you in terms of life, money and the feelings.


when you hang out with a little boy, you are really becoming a mom who is bring a kid out.

first of all, they have problems with financial management.

even they only got two euro at the pocket, they can still order eight-euro wines, having good time with you and your fd.


when the party went to the end, when it comes to the bill, he simply just had not enough cash to cover the expense.

and they dont even have credit card......

OMG! this is the most horrible thing in my life to hear about this.

i can not stand a man without any credit card.

that proofs this person has no social status in banking.

hence, after paying the bills for them(though they insist they are going to pay you back and i firmly believe they will),

but this process has already totally turned off all my passions.

all i wanna do is going home, having a nice bath and sleep well.


they do things without any schedule/plan.

they follow their six senses and feelings to complete a day.

in some way, this is perfect and the way i have been alluring for life(and it used to the reason why i started to take interest from this person).

but in most ways, this is dangerous, for the woman who is older than him officially.

you know why and there is no need for re-write it.


bringing a kid to travel with you is happy and dangerous at the same time.

be careful your kid to bring enough cash with him and he can take good care of his desires for drinking and buying souveniour for his flatmates.

though they are indeed your happy partner when hanging around the city,

most of the time,

they are just being so ill-responsibility that i cannot bear any further.


ps: the best thing for me in this trip is that i dont need to waste my true love 'again' to the person that is useless for my happiness in love.



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